MYM Blog

Shouts and Whispers

Written by Christopher Wesley | Dec 10, 2009 1:43:00 PM

I got into the office at 8:15am this morning. There really isn’t anyone in at this time and when I get in this early I find myself just listening to sounds around me and looking outside my window. There is something calming about hearing the cars whoosh by on Vista Lane, the grass blow in the wind, the soft humming that something is making in the building…there’s this tension that signifies the day is just beginning. During these moments of silence I find peace in my world, because I know even though I’m getting started God has been working. It can be hard for us to listen because what we hear is more than just the background noise, what we hear but try to ignore are two voices. I want to share this video with you all, because sometimes I think we have trouble discerning what to do with these voices:

For some reason during the holiday a lot of wounds are opened up, a lot of time there is shouting and screaming. So to hear the loving whispers of our Heavenly Father become a challenge. But there are places we can go and things we can do to create an opportunity to hear that whisper. So, where do you hear the whispers? My challenge to you this week is to find a place and some time to hear the whispers.