Need Sleep Not Getting Sleep

Why oh why did both political conventions have to follow two weeks of Olympic madness! I’m supposed to be resting up, gaining energy and instead I stay up watching all the crazyness from Phelp’s 8 gold medals, to Sarah Palin’s world premier. On top of preparing for programs that start this Sunday, my wife and I have been training for the Baltimore Half Marathon…and the long runs are getting longer and the sleep needs to get longer. But, that’s it! I’m not going to complain any more. I’m excited for this weekend even though I have no clue what God has in store. I know what I need to do, I know what needs to get done and once we get rolling…Hallelujah!
Anyway, this Saturday and Sunday Nativity is hosting our Welcome Weekend where we welcome people back from the summer and invite members to take a new step in their faith whether it’s through small groups or ministry. Father White’s homily is going to be awesome, the new theater space is going to be awesome, God is just awesome. Also our website is 99.999999% done, and everyone should check it out. See you this weekend.

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