Students of Christ

Setting up the website for parents and students has been crazy hard. I’m not sure why, I’m a little tired right now. But, getting that all set-up lead to a discussion with a parent regarding the use of the term student ministry instead of youth ministry. I also know some people heard me introduce myself as the Director of Student Ministry. Here are three reasons for the change from youth to student:
1. I want students to start considering themselves students of Christ. It brings more of a spiritual sense and less of a social, groupie feel. If they see their master, their teacher as Christ, they will see that who they are following is worth the journey.
2. I find teenagers don’t relate to the term youth, some want to remain as kids, others want to be seen as adults. Identity is a huge thing with teenagers and if we are referring to them as something they don’t relate to then what’s the point.
3. I’m trying to get people to stop looking at our programming for teenagers as “Youth Group”. It’s not a youth group, yes a group of teenagers get together, but we are more than just games and junk food. When teens come to Nativity they are learning what it means to follow Christ, we are going to give them a message that will help them understand this, we will give them opportunities that will help them clarify this and tools that will help them practice the habits that can change their life.
I know it can be confusing, we are all about branding here, and right now we are going with the term student, I hope this helps.

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