Is Your Vision Statement Useless?

Courtesy of striatic/Creative Commons License

How long did it take for you to come up with your vision statement?  A few years, months…hours?  Did you copy someone else?  It took me several years to come up with ours:

Church of the Nativity’s youth ministry exists to raise up authentic, consistent and irresistible disciples of Jesus Christ.

My first vision statement wasn’t even close to what it is today.  In fact it was pretty similar to another church I was studying.  I was told that I needed to have one, I wasn’t sure why I needed one.  But, I didn’t question it.  I had a vision statement but it was useless.

Was the youth ministry successful despite not having a vision statement? Sure.  It was doing well, it was growing and so it made me wonder, “Is a vision statement overrated?”

NO! Well, maybe it is and that’s because some are useless.  How do you know your vision statement is useless?
  • No One Knows It: How many of your volunteers or coworkers know your vision statement?  If your ministry leaders do not know why your youth ministry exists then all you are doing is playing church.  They might be living it out; however, it’s all unintentional.  It’s like driving to the right place; however, not knowing that’s where you were supposed to go.  When no one knows the vision, they don’t know their purpose.
  • It Doesn’t Fit Your Ministry: Maybe you just thought of crafty words and a catchy phrase.  Maybe you saw another youth ministry’s and adapted it.  While those are important steps to making a memorable vision statement, if it doesn’t fit your ministry it’s just a facade.  Your vision represents your identity and why God has placed you on this earth.  If it isn’t you then you’ll be lost.
  • It’s Not Being Lived Out: It might represent where God is calling you to go.  It might be memorable; however, if no one is actually living it out, then it’s just a catchy saying.  It’s one thing to craft a powerful vision statement; however, it’s another thing to embrace it.  An authentic vision statement is when your team is working towards it and trusting God fully.

Again, a vision statement is important; however, it needs to be crafted correctly (How to craft a great vision statement) and embraced.  With no vision your ministry will suffer.  If your vision isn’t known or used, then in the end it’s overrated to have one.  Take the time to sit down and ask God, “What are you calling me to accomplish?”

Do you think vision statements are overrated?  Is vision talked about too much and not executed enough? Share your thoughts.

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