Is Your Plan For Confirmation Include Outside The Box Thinking?

As I got into my car smelly and sweaty I let out a huge sigh of relief. After a year of planning and prepping my parish just launched a brand new Confirmation program. It’s not perfect, but I’m okay with that because I feel like we’re finally doing something outside of the box.

Since writing Rebuilding Confirmation I’ve been interested in the different ways we can reinvent preparation for the Sacrament. There are a lot of great ideas out there, but to think outside of the box isn’t always easy. While there is still a lot to figure out, here are three ways I’ve been trying to switch it up:

Putting More Focus On The Sponsors Over The Candidates

There are resources available for sponsors, but there isn’t training. I think if you are going to reinvent the way you do Confirmation preparation you should design a program where you are training sponsors to mentor and guide their candidates. After all when you commission the students their sponsors are the people who will continue to walk with them.

So, what does that mean? It means:

  • Educating and communicating the role of the sponsor in the life of a candidate
  • Figuring out ways to train, develop and equip the sponsors each candidate selects
  • Training Confirmation volunteers who work with parents and sponsors and not necessarily the candidates

Now, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the candidates. You should still plan gatherings and events where the candidates gather, but if you could move the majority of the catechesis to these Catholic role models you would have a bigger impact.

Adding A Larger Digital Presence

I love reading books, but that isn’t the only way I consume information. If I need to fix something in the house I got to YouTube. I love podcasts, web shows and I’m constantly checking out new websites.  While nothing can replace face to face interaction many of us absorb information digitally.

The resources you provide for parents, candidates, sponsors and your volunteers need to be digitally accessible. A candidate might not have time to read through another workbook, but they will have time to watch a 5 minute video.

If you want to build a comprehensive Confirmation program consider building a digital library that parents, teens and sponsors can access. There are subscription programs out there like, but if you want to create your own build a Google Drive, or Dropbox account.

Granted, you can’t force people to access the content but you can help them learn and absorb on the go.

Turn Up The Heat On The Rest Of The Congregation

Confirmation is the perfect opportunity to bridge the generational gap. It’s a time where your congregation should rally around the candidates by praying for them and working with them to learn more about what it means to be the Church.

To turn up the heat on your congregation you need to meet with the ministry leaders in your church and:

  • Share with them your vision for the next generation
  • Discuss building up an apprenticeship model where older parishioners are mentoring younger ones
  • Get the generations interacting outside of the Confirmation classes

A parish where the congregation is invested in the confirmandi is one that is focused on the future.

Don’t just settle for the same old programs or structures. Don’t just rely on what you’ve done before. Reshift the focus and continue to test new paradigms. You might face some risk but the growth you’ll experience is worth it.

What outside of the box ideas have you tried in your Confirmation preparation? Did it work?

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