Simple Steps to an Irresistible Environment

Right now our youth and children’s ministry share spaces.  While we all get along our current situation still creates a little bit of tension, especially when something is not set-up or broken down correctly.  The way we get through it is by striving to make the space as much of an irresistible environment as possible.  We agree it is an important part of how we bring kids and student’s to Christ.  

Your environments matter.  With the right environments people will feel comfortable and are less likely to be distracted.  They also matter because an irresistible environment will:

  • Set The Mood
  • Break The Ice
  • Engage Your Audience
  • Create Energy

Whether you like it or not your space will impact the experience your teens will have.  Therefore, you need to make sure it’s a space they can enjoy.  The push back might be a lack of money to get the furniture or equipment necessary for an awesome space.  And while a larger budget may help you can make significant changes with small steps, such as:

  1. Hospitality At The Door: The simplest, easiest and cheapest way to create an irresistible environment is by welcoming teens at the door.  Get to know them by name, shake their hand, give them a hug and let them know they are loved.  It might seem like a small gesture but the impact is huge.
  2. Keep It Clean: Take pride in your space by keeping it clean and in good shape.  Unfortunately, people will judge a book by it’s cover.  If they see your space is mess they’ll wonder about the effectiveness of your ministry.  Schedule in time before and after every gathering to vacuum, wipe down and clean up any messes.  
  3. Set Up Early: Making copies, unstacking the chairs and putting out the games are all steps that need to be done before your teens arrive.  If you are setting up when they show up, they can feel like intruders, you’ll look unprepared and it just won’t feel comfortable.  Time out how long it takes just you to set everything up, and then work on recruiting people who will help you out.  

No matter the size of your ministry or the depth of your budget, creating an irresistible environment takes simple and practical steps.  Don’t overlook your space, take it seriously because it’s essential to a teen’s experience.  If it’s irresistible, you’ll have their attention as you share with them the love of Christ.

What other simple, easy and affordable steps would you add to creating irresistible environments?



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