How Live Streaming Is A Huge Opportunity For Youth Ministry

Youth ministers are notorious for wearing multiple hats. Over the last few months, as more and more parishes adopt and adapt to live streaming Mass, several other opportunities it’s not a surprise that many youth ministers and religious educators are embracing the role of live stream specialist. As one of those people, it’s been fun learning the technology, but the most exciting part of this adventure is the opportunity it presents for the young church.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been building our live streaming team (AKA The Stream Team), and the people who are answering the call are mostly teens. This past weekend, high school students lead the live stream for our Masses. As I sat back and watched them call the shots, it affirmed what many of us already know, and that is teens want to lead. If you are live streaming or interested in starting, this is why you want to make sure teens are involved:


Broadcasting Mass isn’t anything new, but it has become accessible for more parishes to start their platform. And because of its newness, there isn’t a generation of people who OWN IT. This is an opportunity to flip the leadership pipeline and invite young people to take the reigns. The young church’s familiarity with the digital world gives them confidence that allows them to step up when other generations might be more intimidated.

While not all young people are technologically savvy, they are more going to be more familiar with specific platforms and equipment. At the same time, you won’t have to break age-old habits and feel limited by the  phrase, “This is the way we’ve always done it.”

As you build your team, invite the young church in addition to older members. Give them the authority to lead and take charge. Not only will you see engagement amongst young people increase, but you’ll be able to showcase to other ministries what intergenerational relationships and young leaders can do.


One of the reasons we see a decline in Mass attendance is because people forget it’s value. To teach that value, we need to find a variety of ways they can participate. Streaming Mass is an excellent opportunity for teens to learn more about liturgy because it requires looking at the liturgy through a different lens (pun intended). When you live stream, you need to answer the question, “What needs to go on the screen?

Your team needs to look at the readings, prayers, and everything that changes from season to season. To be a part of a live stream, you need to stay focused because there are no do-overs. Your team will have to prepare themselves for the liturgy, which means more exposure. The more your team dives into the WHAT and WHY around the Mass, the further they’ll be pulled into its beauty.

You still need an adult who can help them articulate and embrace what they are learning. While it’s a new opportunity to catechize, we have to be careful to assume that people will teach themselves. To avoid this, simply make sure you build in time to point out details and ask questions that lead to a deeper understanding.


Live streaming the liturgy provides a variety of opportunities. It not only makes the Mass accessible to the homebound, but it creates an evangelization pipeline for your community. It can be less aggressive than other approaches, but it also increases accessibility. When you point this out to the young church, it lets them know that they are a part of something bigger. What goes on the screen and gets broadcasted to your audience is essential. Your team will have to answer the question, “What do we want our viewers to know and experience through this ministry?”

Discussing that question will lead to exciting conversations around the beauty of the Mass. Discussions around production and authenticity can lead to a better understanding of what matters. The teens’ involvement will increase confidence, which is essential for their evangelization efforts. Live streaming can also be the beginning of enhancing your digital communications in other areas of your parish.

There are a few limits to building a live stream. For example, you can only have a few people serve at one time; however, it’s an opportunity that cannot be ignored. Young people are looking to step up to lead and make a difference. Invite them to into the world of live streaming so that they can assist your efforts in inviting your community into the church.

What other benefits does live stream add to your parish?

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