Rejection is like being punched in the gut. Air escapes you and a moment of panic invades the mind. It’s such an upsetting feeling it’s easy to understand why we go at all costs to avoid it.
A few years ago a friend of mine encouraged me to submit a recipe into a cooking competition. I had this awesome chocolate, cherry pie recipe. I poured so much time into it and when I finally submitted it, I got rejected. It was a painful and embarrassing to the point where I haven’t made the pie since. There was a part of me that just never wanted to be reminded of the pain.
Unfortunately, rejection happens in ministry way too many times. It’s a biproduct of growth and change. When you make decisions and choices you will face rejection to a degree. Your push back will come from parents, teens, volunteers, coworkers and even family. No matter what you need to work through the rejection. To do that you need to:
You don’t have to fear rejection because it’s not the end of your journey. It’s just a new direction to where you need to go and how you need to approach your vision. Remember to embrace the rejection, sit in it and hand it over to God, so that you can keep moving forward.
Which step is the hardest for you to embrace when rejected?