
Bragging About Your Volunteers

I know I don’t say it enough, but I have a great group of men and women who volunteer in our student ministry.  Yes, I’m bragging, because they deserve it.  I want people to know that they are the coolest, most loyal and dedicated group of individuals.  I am so blessed to have them there because without them I would be stuck and burned out.

I don’t know who is serving in your ministry; however, I’m hoping that you spend time bragging about them.  One of the most effective ways of keeping your volunteers is praising them in public because it:

  • Shows That You Care
  • Boosts Morale
  • Paints Your Ministry In A Positive Light

While writing about them in a blog is one way of bragging about your team you need to make sure you:

  • Single Out Specific Volunteers: Don’t just settle for a general, “My group is awesome!” Look at pointing out why certain people on your team matter.  It will not only place that person in a positive light, but create a standard for other volunteers.  But, before you praise someone publicly give them a little heads up so they aren’t surprised and possibly embarrassed.
  • Inform Your Pastor: Bragging to your pastor means informing him on who is important to you and your ministry.  This way if he comes face to face with that specific volunteer he can say, “I heard you did this, thank you.”  Gratitude coming from you is one thing, coming from leadership is another.
  • Bring In The Family: Brag on a volunteer to his or her family.  It let’s them know that the sacrifice that everyone is making is worth it.  They’ll see that what their loved one is doing really matters and has an impact.  Sometimes we forget the toll volunteering can take on a family, this can help the burden.
  • Make It A Habit: Bragging on your team is not only a morale booster, but a way of showing gratitude.  The more gracious you become as a leader the more God will reward you.  Giving your ministers praise is like thanking God for who He has blessed you with.  If you make it a habit it will affect you in a positive manner.

Next chance you get brag about the men and women who volunteer their time to serve alongside of you.  They are there to extend your capacity as a leader.  They make you look good by impacting teens in ways you could never do.  Love your volunteers, by letting others know why they matter so much.

Take this opportunity to brag about your team.  Who is awesome and serving in your ministry?



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