
Be Warned Of Buzz Words

ACCOMPANIMENT. It’s the hottest new word out there. If you can drop it into a paragraph at least five times, you sound like a ministry wizard. Accompaniment is the latest buzz word to hit the Catholic circuit with more force than it’s predecessors, Missionary Disciples, and the New Evangelization because it focuses on the young church. The question I want to throw out there is, “Do we have a clue what it means?”

I know what it means, and I think you know what it means, but what you think and what I think might not be the same thing. Fortunately, Christus Vivit, the Pope’s synod document, breaks it down. Several people much smarter than I are traveling around breaking it down, but I think we tend in ministry to take a word and bleed it to death. When that happens, it loses its influence.

The reason I bring this up is that a buzz word can make a person lazy with their communication. When we lose the ability to articulate, we lose the ability to clarify our message. When it comes to buzz word etiquette make sure you use them wisely with:


Most are full of buzz words, and that’s okay because they are memorable. However, if you don’t dive deep as a team to define what terms like Discipleship, Evangelization, and Missionary mean, then you are going to create confusion. Whether you are a pastor or the lead volunteer, make sure everyone on your team knows what those words mean. Take time to discuss, debate, and flesh out the details. It will not only create clarity but unity. And a community united by vision is unstoppable.


I don’t have a degree in Theology (I’m working on it), so I can be at the risk of saying words where I’m not sure about the definition. When Kerygma was the latest to hit the airwaves, I was afraid if I didn’t use it enough that I would fall behind. I had no clue what it meant, so I misused it quite a bit.

Most of your teens, their parents, and even your volunteers aren’t going to be keeping up with the latest lingo. They don’t make Catholic’ Word Of The Day’ calendars. If you are going to use the word in a homily, talk or testimony, then make sure you break it down. Don’t be afraid of the obvious. Permit them to ask what that means.


I’m personally guilty of this one. It’s easy to sound like a prayer warrior when you are dropping beautiful buzz words even if they don’t make sense. Prayer can be clumsy, and there will be times when it doesn’t make sense. However, when you are using a word just because it sounds good, you are missing the essence of what it means to pray from the heart.

Be authentic, and encourage the people you pray with to not worry about perfection. Show them rote prayers and ones from our Saints. Help them find their voice by praying with them and practicing.

Buzz words are not bad because they build excitement and unity. Just remember, if they are used too much, they will lose their meaning. If you want to communicate clearly, practice, and prepare. Make sure each word, sentence, and statement is carefully crafted. When you bring clarity to your ministry, you give it the ability to grow into a movement.

What’s your least favorite ministry buzz word?

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