Are You Prepared For The Fall?

In less than a month schools start up around here and so does our fall season of programming.  While a month can feel like plenty of time there is always a sense of urgency that forces the question, “Am I ready?

It’s easy to grow anxious because there are volunteers to recruit, activities to plan on top of a whole slew of other tasks.  While the tendency is to panic and start becoming that crazy person people around the office wants to avoid, the better approach is to:


Even if you don’t know where you need help, just ask.  Go for that trusted volunteer that never says, “No.“, a fellow coworker or your spouse. Get out your concerns, your fears and anything else that’s causing feelings of anxiety.

Ask them to help you sort out what you need to do.  Getting someone else on board will give you a clear perspective.  They will help you point out the obvious and develop a clear path.

Keep in mind you will owe that person and have to thank them continuously, but it’s worth it.  It’s in moments of stress where we have to remind ourselves we are not alone.


If you just decide that you are going to grind out the next few weeks then stop.  You can’t afford to try to do everything and anything you can.  Write out a plan where you:

  • List everything that needs to be done.
  • Prioritize it in order of importance.
  • Pass off what you can.
  • Delay what isn’t time sensitive.
  • Place it somewhere visible to remind you what needs to get done.

Revisit your plan each day.  Remind yourself of the goals and milestones you are trying to reach.  You might not feel like you have the time to write something out, but in the end it will give you more margin.


The last thing you feel like doing is stopping or taking a rest.  The truth is quiet time is exactly what you need.  Like stopping to ask for help and writing out a plan built in prayer time refocuses you on what’s important.

My quiet time takes place first thing in the morning.  I center myself with God, and ask Him to guide me before the day begins.

No matter when you build in your quiet time make sure it is A PRIORITY, and CONSISTENT.  It will give you the patience, and confidence you need to get the work done in a short amount of time.


It might seem funny to reward yourself for doing your job, but it can be so helpful to getting through the madness.  The idea of a light at the end of the tunnel is what can help you pull through all the work and long hours you are currently enduring.

When I run in a race I like to think about the finish line, especially the incredible post race meal (Cheesesteak with all the fixings and a nice cold beer).  Think about doing something nice for yourself at the end of this madness.  I could be a mini vacation, a nice meal or going to a nice movie.

The fall is coming up quick and it can raise your stress, but the reality is that you can do this.  Lean on God and what He is asking you to do.  Trust Him to help you develop a plan and send you the people you need.  You can do this.

[reminder]  Please leave any Questions. Comments. Thoughts. [/reminder]

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