All About The Weekend

Yesterday some of the staff gathered to talk about how to best clarify our message, mission and vision to the entire church. After this past weekend it’s apparent great things are happening and I know that as the year continues it’s just going to get better. But, in order for these awesome things to happen I feel as if we need to be as clear as possible.
The conversation lead to how what we do and what we are all about is what happens on the weekend. To be more specific everything comes from that weekend’s message, which boils down to connecting people with an authentic relationship with Christ. So all of our ministries, small groups, youth/children programs, mission work, curriculum, music and so on is connected to the message given on the weekend. And each weekend we work to help people understand that message by creating an irresistible environment that will welcome them, love them and accept them for who they are.
It no longer feels as if we are just smacking up against a wall and falling to obstacles but turning a wheel, and with each turn that wheel moves faster and faster. And that would make sense, considering the church is supposed to be a movement and not a monument.

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