Yesterday I was at a planning meeting and I shamelessly plugged my blog and said that I would have my groups presentation posted. At the planning meeting I was a part of the vision and technology team. And our goal was to talk about how we would grow, promote the vision and values of Nativity through technology. This is what we came up with:
1. Create an online parish database. This would be like our current PDS (parish database system); however, parishioners would be able to update it themselves. It would also allow parishioners to track their giving and involvement in the parish.
2. Create a Nativity Social Network. This would be a place where people could catch the messages from student programming, small groups, Mass, workshops, etc. There would be the ability to “tag” others with different ministries, inform of upcoming events, trips and series. Allow people to view a message and chat in an online small group. This would allow us to create a 24/7 church.
3. Create a more interactive worship. To do this we would reexamine the set-up of the sanctuary, lighting, and sound. Basically we would work to answer the question, “How can we create an irresistible environment in a live setting and a broadcast setting (for those watching in the cafe/pavilion and other venues) that will enhance the way we worship God?” What we have now is okay but how could we make it more “professional”.
These are just three ideas, how they will happen we don’t know, if they will happen we don’t know, they are three ideas that we came up with yesterday. All we know right now at Nativity is that God is calling us to grow and be a significance in the community and the lives of others. One way we can do that is through technology.