MYM Blog

Youth Ministry the Best Ministry Part #5

Written by Christopher Wesley | Mar 27, 2009 1:00:00 PM

Youth ministry is more than just games, pizza and large groups of students, it’s also the time to encourage students to grow in their faith and build vision that lines them up on God’s path. Take a look at this ministry description of what you can do if when working with teens (grades 5-12) at Church of the Nativity. Come back each day until this weekend (March 28th/29th) as we let you know the many ways you can impact a teen.

HABITS is our Sacramental preparation for students wishing to be Confirmed at Church of the Nativity. This program focuses on a one on one mentorship where students meet with an adult to develop spiritual habits and disciplines that will help them grow in their faith. The idea of this program is to put students who want to commit their life to Christ on a path that feeds their faith and empowers them to spread it throughout the world.

Confirmation Mentors

Confirmation Mentors are adult men and women in the church who want to work one on one with high school students in the development of life changing habits and disciplines. These mentors work with the candidate and parent over the span of a year meeting several times (approx. 7) to supply the students with the necessary steps and resources needed to strengthen their faith. Your main objective as a confirmation mentor is to help the student address where they are in their faith and help them to take that next step.