Wrestling Alligators

I just saw a 9 year old girl wrestling an alligator on a teaser for Inside Edition, that’s insane.  She seemed to enjoy it, so all I have to say is to each there own.  I don’t know what kind of effort it takes to wrestle one, I don’t think I want to see what kind of energy it takes, but all I know is this morning I feel as if I just did.

We closed out our regularly schedule programming and it was exhausting.  What that means is no more Sunday nights for Resurrection, no more Thursday nights for Uprising.  And now that it’s all done I can say, “I’m wiped.”  But before I pass out it’s also time to transition into Church at Chipotle, Elevate Excursions, Confirmation Retreats, Speaking in Big Church and S*Mile Work Camp.  I’ve let go of the fact that summer is a time of vacations, because in the six years I’ve been doing this it’s never felt like a vacation, but it is a season to refresh and rejuvenate.  This is how I plan on doing it:

  1. Change Your Weekly Routine – You can do this by adding some margin, move meetings around, come in a little later or leave a little earlier, try not to burn yourself out in a season that offers so much out door refreshment.

  2. Read, Read and Read – I reread two books each summer, Good to Great and 7 Practices of Effective Ministry.  These books help me refocus on the basic tools and vision that I have put into my ministry.  Each summer I try to introduce two new books into my arsenal; however, I also try to read something for fun.  This summer’s fun read is Born to Run.

  3. Meet For Fun – Gather your ministers for a bbq, cup of coffee, just a chance to grow in fellowship.  During the year our meetings tend to be more agenda driven, by the time summer hits your ministers might be a little reluctant to meet if they think all you care about is work.  Just spend some time getting to know them and their families.

It’s going to be a good summer, I’m looking forward to some time refreshing and rejuvenating and I’m definitely open to some summer time suggestions: 

What do you plan on doing this summer to refresh and rejuvenate yourself?

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