
Why I Won’t Be Blogging…Again

To my readers, I’m on vacation this week and won’t return to blogging until August 6th, 2012.  I thought in the meantime I would adapt a post from last year, explaining what I will be doing during my time off.

– Enjoy
Chris Wesley

I’m on a beach, somewhere far from work and home.  What does that mean?  A break, a rest, and a chance to refocus before the grind begins all over again.  This year unlike any other I’m heading into vacation with plenty of energy and excited about what God has in store for me.  A lot of that has to do with planning margin and setting forth a great summer schedule.

I’m also looking forward to this vacation because unlike any other year I’m taking on a new endeavor, I’ll be:


This means no:
  • Texting
  • Tweeting
  • Facebook
  • Blogging
  • Email
The list goes on.  The only exceptions I’ll be making are with GPS, the car radio and when my wife and I hit the movie theater for our date night.  The point of this fast is to retreat and just be available to God and my family.  So over the next week you will not hear from me on Twitter, Facebook, Google +, etc.  And, I will not check my email.  
This was a struggle for me, considering how much I love to blog and tweet.  I thought about guest posts, or even scheduling posts ahead of time, but I figured taking an all around break was the best way to go about it.
I believe that many of us  haven’t taken a real vacation in a long time.  We might go to some exotic location or on some amazing trip; however, we never really take the time to refresh and rejuvenate.  There’s an anxiety we feel about missing that big email, not knowing what others are saying or that nagging feeling that we are falling behind.  One of the best way to reconnect with God is by  disconnecting from the world. 
So to all my readers, do not be alarmed by the lack of updates, do not worry about the missing tweets, I’ll be okay, relaxing, sleeping in and pondering…something.
You can leave a comment but I won’t be checking this until August 6th…enjoy!

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