Why Every Youth Minister Needs Mentors, Coaches and Teams

Who do you go to when you face a challenge? As someone who has 15 years under his belt, I’m a mess when I try to troubleshoot on my own. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, lose your calm, and feel helpless when you run a ministry on your own, that’s why we have to remember:

Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17

To lead well and grow a healthy ministry, you need others picking you up, and helping you succeed. Even though you are talented and gifted, you need others to broaden your vision and challenge your status quo. While friends and family are an asset, if you want to take your ministry up a notch then consider:


As Catholics, we have diocesan staff dedicated to empowering and equipping us. They are filled with men and women who want you to succeed at what you are doing. While they might not have the capacity to mentor and coach every youth minister, they oversee, they can be a conduit of resources.

If you are ever faced with a particular challenge or want to do more reach out to your diocesan director and ask him or her about different pieces of training, resources, and courses you should be seeking out. Most of them have ministry experience and understand your journey. Don’t hesitate to make them a part of your entourage.


Every ministry leader needs a sounding board to hash out ideas, share worries, and reassess their current state. At Marathon Youth Ministry, we offer coaching services for anyone looking to grow as a leader, but if you don’t have the budget for professional coaching look within your parish. No matter where your church is located, there are successful men and women with the ability to help you:

  • Recruit and manage a team
  • Organize your time, resources and ideas
  • Develop goals and evaluation systems

They might not have experience in parish ministry; however, they should have skills that are transferable to your paradigm. To find them ask your pastor or coworkers for a list of people you should contact. If that doesn’t work, look at your parish council. Once you identify someone to ask them if they would be willing to offer feedback on ideas you have for your ministry. Treat them to a meal or cup of coffee and see if there is a connection.


We all need volunteers, but managing them all on your own can be difficult. Taking on an entire ministry on your own is not easy, and that’s why you need a strategic leadership team. These are 3-4 people who can help you troubleshoot the different obstacles you face and execute some of the more significant projects that fall on your plate.

For each strategic team, you want doers, dreamers, and people who know how to network. You want to make sure the team has chemistry, so make sure you focus some of your initial meetings on getting to know one another and building trust. If you are looking for ideas on what to do with your strategic leadership team check out our resources in the MYM Store HERE


Most of us live in an area where multiple churches are within driving distance. In those churches (Catholic or not) are men and women who care about the next generation. These are people you need to connect with regularly because your mission field is too big for you and your church alone to handle. When we collaborate with other youth ministers and catechetical leaders in our area, we not only create opportunities to share resources but the ability to tackle more significant issues like:

  • Teen depression and suicide
  • Racism and discrimination
  • Gender and identity issues

It can be a little intimidating to start looking. Some of the best strategies are to call around to local churches and see if their local youth minister knows of any groups. You can also go on Facebook and search within established groups like:

There are some requirements to join these groups, but within them, you can connect with local youth ministers in your area.


In addition to having a local connection, you need a group of people who are focused on helping you grow as a professional. There are times when we need the training to help us with conflict, building a robust ministry, and developing communication strategies.

When it comes to ministry, not many of those groups or opportunities exist, and that’s why we created Marathon Youth Ministry University. It’s an online community where youth ministers and catechetical leaders can grow together. As a member, you not only have access to our online courses and resources but will be placed in a cohort lead by an experienced youth minister ready to guide you in your journey. In addition to the cohort, you’ll enroll in a Facebook Group where you can continue to connect with other parish leaders looking to grow healthier ministries.

The cost is only $25/month or $275/year, but for July, we’re going to give you all a break and give you a free 30-day trial if you enroll in July. All you need to do is click HERE and use Promo Code: SUMMERFUN.

Who has been supportive or a resource in your ministry?

Want to talk to a youth ministry expert and figure out your next step? Set up a free consultation with us today:


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