
Why Cohesiveness Is Key

In high school I was on a baseball team that couldn’t win even if we paid the other team to forfeit.  We had talent, and skill, we just lacked cohesiveness.  We weren’t exactly the epitome of team.

If you work in a parish you are a part of a team.  Even if you are the only youth minister.  There are men and women that you need to rely because cohesiveness is key.  It’s so important for any staff to have because:


Without clarity you cannot effectively communicate, delegate and grow as an organization.  Clarity means people are on the same page and the decisions are made together.


People want to be a part of a winning team.  A winning team is one who works together and supports one another.  People will want to invest their time and money because they’ll want to keep the success moving.


When a team focused on the vision is a team that’s willing to go through the ups and downs of ministry.  It reminds us of the why, when our purpose is challenged.

AND to build it amongst your team you need to:


A team that prays together invites God into the relationship.  He will guide you through the difficult conversations.  He will heal any brokenness that comes from conflict.  A team united in God is unstoppable.


Does not matter your position you need to know how to serve.  It starts by asking the question, “What can I do for you today?”  Knowing how you can serve your team communicates the care you have for them.

Spend time listening to their story.  Get to know their ministries and realize yours will only be as strong as theirs.  When you serve your team you build trust, which is essential for cohesiveness.


It’s hard to separate the personal and the professional when it comes to parish life.  While you can have your own lives and friends outside of the church it’s important to find growing opportunities together.

Invite them into your world by having dinner with them.  Do something they love and get to know one another’s families.  It will give them an idea of who you are which will lead to a deeper understanding.

When a team is cohesive they are unbelievably strong.  They’ll be able to take on big problems and move forward with a solid plan.  Pray for those you work with and never stop fighting for them.  It will be worth it.

[reminder]  How do you build cohesiveness with your team and or staff? [/reminder]

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