
Where You Can Find More Volunteers And What To Do With Them

When it comes to a team of volunteers I know that I never have enough of them. In fact I know I could always use more. The question is:

Where do I find them?

Even though it does not feel like it, your team of dynamic and awesome volunteers are right around you. To get them to step up and join the team you need to:

Ask for referrals

Ask  your coworkers, current volunteers, parents and teens if they know of someone you should ask. Have them give you a name of three people and then reach out to them. Let that person know that someone saw something in them. It’s hard to say no to a referral.

Share the vision at the end of Mass

Many of us have made pulpit announcements before. And usually it’s speaking out of a need. While the reality is that you NEED volunteers you want to present your case more out of vision. That means sharing with people what serving in ministry will do for them.

Too many times when we ask people to serve, we’re asking for something FROM THEM. In this situation you need to communicate that serving in youth ministry is really FOR THEM. Let them know it’s a life changing experience and an opportunity to grow in their faith.

Make an impression with your presence

Recruiting is a lot like campaigning, which means you need to be physically present as much as possible. That means hanging around Mass on the weekend, going to other church and community events. Even if you are not an up front person people will want to serve based on whether or not they connect with you. Whether or not they are passionate about serving the next generation they want to know that you are a leader worth following.

That doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, it means you have to be authentic. Introduce yourself, get to know others and build relationships. When you then ask them to serve it won’t feel like a cold call.

You might be wondering, “If it’s that simple, then why is it so hard?” And that’s because there are obstacles that stand in our way. One of those obstacles is that we don’t know what to do with them. As you recruit it’s also important to have that next step in mind. As you ask people to serve in ministry make sure you:

Offer a clear and tangible next step

When you ask them to serve what do they need to do next? Do they need to attend an orientation class or fill out paperwork? When do they need to show up and who will be showing them what to do? The more information you can present to them the more confident they’ll be walking into your program. The more confident a new volunteer is walking into your ministry the more likely they’ll stay.

Introduce them into a loving community

One of the main reasons your volunteers come back each year is not because of the teens but because of the adults that serve alongside of them. Your group of volunteers should function like a team and family where people are growing together as they invest in the next generation.

Even if there is only 3 of you make sure that you are building trust, getting to know one another and spending time outside of serving. The stronger the bond, the more attractive the team and the more likely you’ll recruit more men and women. People want to be a part of a thriving community, you need to make your volunteer team one.

Have an intentional investment plan

Your volunteers are an investment in your ministry. That means helping them grow in their own faith as they help the next generation grow. Plan on days throughout the year when you can work with your volunteers on:

  • Having powerful conversations with teens
  • Reaching out to their parents and serving the family
  • How to help a hurting teenager get the right help

Look at resources that have helped you and figure out how you can distribute them to your team. If they see you pouring time and energy into you then they’ll feel valued. Again, feeling like a valued member of the team is one of the main reasons they’ll step up and continue to serve.


Again, it sounds simple, because it is, but there are other obstacles that prevent you from building those teams. That’s when it’s important to look outside the church and rely on the assistance of experienced church workers who have been doing it for years.

That’s why I created the MYM HUDDLE, it’s a cohort of youth ministers, directors of religious education and anyone who cares about the next generation. In the MYM HUDDLE we tackles subjects like building a team of volunteers who will help you reach the next generation and I’d love for you to be a part of one. To sign up all you need to do is click on the button below.

Join The Huddle Today

When you join you’ll not only be a part of a collaborative group of volunteers but receive:

  • 6 videos that talk about building, recruiting and training volunteers. You can share these videos with coworkers and your team.
  • 10 downloadable resources that will help you put together a comprehensive plan for developing a strong team.
  • 3 Live group sessions with a MYM Facilitator. All of our facilitators have over a decade of experience in the trenches.
  • One on one coaching with an MYM Facilitator so that we can drill down on your current situation.
  • Exclusive membership to the MYM Huddle Facebook Group. In this group the community grows and so does the sharing and encouragement.

All of this for the price of $299, but only for a limited time because enrollment for the MYM Huddle is only open until Tuesday August 21st at 2:59 AM. To learn more just click the button below. Jump into the new year with a dynamic team and let us help. Jump into the MYM HUDDLE today.

Join The Huddle Today

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