MYM Blog

What’s Your Strategy For Getting Volunteers This Summer?

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jun 5, 2017 7:30:03 AM

Summer brings different opportunities to your youth ministry. You can plan more trips and events. While people travel there is a little bit more flexibility. With that flexibility comes another opportunity: RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS

Outside of vacations, there aren’t a lot of commitments. Talking to people about getting involved doesn’t seem as stressful because people are little more laid back. To get people involved you nIf you don’t have one, no worries here are four approaches to effectively get people involved in your ministry:

Summer is also a time to get creative. So instead of throwing out another email. Try these four approaches that have worked for me:


There are dozens to hundreds of men and women in your church that would be perfect in your ministry. While you won’t know all of them, there is a chance that someone you know does.

Go around to your coworkers, parish council members, current volunteers, teens, and parents and ask them, “Do you know someone I should talk to about serving in youth minsitry?”

Make a list and contact each person. When you talk to them say, “This person recommended that I contact you about serving. They think you would be a perfect fit for our ministry.”

I’ve found this approach creates curiosity and intrigue because people are flattered that they’ve been recommended. They start to consider their value and are more willing to accept your invitation.


In a world where there is so much noise relying on one form of communication is unwise. You need to diversify your approach by tapping into a few outlets. To know which ones will work best for your ministry you need to:

  • Know which forms of communication your ideal audience frequently uses.
  • Develop a plan where you consistently and creatively communicate.
  • Build a budget so that you can afford quality graphics and tools.

Bottom line, be intentional with how you communicate and to whom you are trying to reach.


Some people need more than just your word that youth ministry is a great place to serve. They need to experience it. If you have youth programs continuing in the summer invite potential volunteers to be a fly on the wall. This way they’ll get a sense of the energy and flow your ministry will experience.

If you aren’t running programs in the summer set up a mock gathering instead. Invite people to participate like and have your current volunteers facilitate. Again, you are giving them a peek into the experience which can eliminate any reluctance they might have had before.


Your current volunteers are going to be your best advocates. They are going to understand the challenges and sacrifices that a volunteer faces better than you. Most of them are willing to share their experience, but like you, they may be reluctant to ask someone.

Give them a little boost by offering incentives to inviting others to serve. Make it a little game or competition where you reward those who recruit the most. Thank them personally and praise them in public. Create a culture where inviting others to serve is not only expected but celebrated.

Each one of these strategies works year round. Make it a part of your schedule to examine how you are marketing to and recruiting to serve. If you are interested in developing a more comprehensive strategy check out how Marathon Youth Ministry One on One Coaching can help. Just click the button below:

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[reminder] What’s one thing that has worked for you when recruiting volunteers? [/reminder]