That is until this past Holy Week.
Our Director of Liturgy asked me to help her with Holy Week and Easter Masses. When she asked, a million reasons why I should say “no” to helping with Easter went through my head:
It turns out I saw youth ministry as “my ministry” and Liturgy as “her ministry.” I knew deep down this wasn’t a good approach, and I could see she needed help, so I said “yes.” I am so glad that I did, as I learned a few things:
Some teens attend my church that I had never met before and I have not invited them to any youth ministry events. By showing up, I was able to reach teens who have yet to connect with a church community their age.
There are adults at my church that did not know youth ministry existed and I have not invited them to volunteer. When you are present, you take away the mystery of youth ministry. You can break down any false perceptions and start showing people why youth ministry matters.
Youth Ministry is not a “Church.” We are merely one piece of our Church. Yes, Christmas and Easter are great ways to grow a youth ministry program, but more importantly, if you’re anything like me, it is easy to ignore the rest of your Church that doesn’t have much to do with the youth ministry. When this happens, we forget that our students are merely one piece of the church, meaning the Church is more than youth ministry
I had been stuck in my own little youth ministry world for so long, that I forgot that there is more going on in my church than youth ministry. While being around at Holy Week and Easter Masses were high chances to meet other adults and teens that could be interested in youth ministry, more than anything, the week allowed me to be a part of the more magnificent Church; not just the teens and their families.
If we want to be a part of our church, then we need to be fully involved during the busiest days of the year. This might mean:
Yes, rest is essential but not right before or on the busiest holidays of the Church year. Instead, use this time to help and be a part of the Church we are blessed to belong.
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