MYM Blog

What To Do If Technology Fails Your Ministry…Again

Written by Christopher Wesley | Mar 7, 2018 6:30:09 AM

As I pulled into the driveway I could sense the incoming disappointment. I didn’t want to say it out loud even though my sons were asking, finally there was no more delaying the truth, I told them, “Guys, we don’t have power.”

A major wind storm had blown through the area causing power outages around the area. Our neighborhood was one of the affected. Over the next 3 days we survived and pretended that we were camping inside our house.

We survived, and despite throwing out all the food in our fridge and freezer it wasn’t too bad…unless you count the limited use of technology.

One thing those three days had taught me is that I was pretty technology dependent. Without the ability to access WiFi or charge our devices we were forced to get a little creative with our ‘down time’.

It’s the same with youth ministry. You know you are technology dependent when the:

  • DVD/VCR didn’t work
  • Power point presentation wouldn’t open on the computer
  • Online registrations wasn’t as intuitive as you had hoped
  • Projector bulb burned out or wouldn’t sense the input from your computer
  • Computer battery was running low or immediately died
  • Power cord to something you were using somehow vanished
  • Power strip you needed for all the device you were using is missing
  • Speakers and the microphones don’t harmonize like the musicians

And you get that sinking feeling that your ministry is a failure. The reality is that technology fails everyone, but if you are tired of tech fails making you feel like a failure then be sure to:


There are so many awesome and incredible softwares available and it can be difficult to decide what to use. Before you invest and make that purchase do the research.

That means taking advantage of the free trial that companies use. Reading the reviews and asking other youth ministers for their opinions.

Then when you decide it’s for you be sure to test it out and practice using it before going live. It’ll take more time in the short run, but the benefits will be worth it in the long run.


Some resources are better than other, but there is still the chance they’ll fail (Or you’ll commit user error). It’s in those scenarios where it’s always good to have a Plan B.

Here are a few things I do to help me in those situations:

I have two or three messages memorized that I can fall back on that don’t require a power point or video. 

If tech for the game isn’t ready I’ll use classics like Simon Says, Captain on Deck and Gorilla, Karate, Cowboy.

If nothing is going right it’s time to break out some Bibles and do a Lectio Divina, pray the rosary or Ignatian discernment.

When you have a back up plan it not only keeps you prepared but adds depth to your ministry.


Many of us in youth ministry are deemed (fairly or not) tech experts. Some of that comes with the fact that we are working with the next generation who is always ‘informed’ on the latest gizmos and gadgets.

Despite my comfort with tech I find it important to have a team around me who understands it more. That means building a tech team to do everything from turn on the lights to run the video.

Even though technology can be overwhelming and sometimes unreliable we shouldn’t fear it. If anything it’s important to learn more about what it can and can’t do for our ministry.

GREAT RESOURCE ON THIS SUBJECT: My buddy Tom Pounder is a tech guru, always trying new things out in the context of ministry. Check out his podcast and site by going to

What resources or best practices have helped you and your ministry use technology well?

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