What People Get Wrong About Leadership

Early on I thought leadership was simply being in charge of a group of individuals.  Tell people what to do and they’ll do it because you are in charge.

Leaders do not run programs or people, they create movements.  They take the organization and their team to a new level.  If you want to be a leader that creates a movement then you need to focus on:



To add value to your team, spend time building the relationship you have with them.  Thank them for what they are doing and give them what they need to succeed.  When they see that you care, they’ll start trusting your leadership.

[Tweet “”To add value to others, one must first value others.” — John Maxwell”]


Leaders are learners.  They are constantly looking for ways to grow in knowledge and skill.  But, leaders are also growing other leaders.  It’s about sharing what you know and bringing others along.

Make sure you spend time to grow professionally and share what you are learning with your team.  Even if they are volunteers make sure they are constantly growing and investing in others.  It will give your ministry more depth.

[Tweet “”Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” — Jack Welch”]


A leader is constantly leading.  That means living with integrity, authenticity and humility in the office and at home.  A true leader isn’t just saving it for the spotlight.

Being a 24 hour leader isn’t about being perfect it’s about taking responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions.  Surround yourself with support and accountability to keep you consistent.

[Tweet “”There are no office hours for leaders.” — Cardinal J. Gibbons”]



Leaders are not always people pleasers.  It’s not about getting everyone to agree it’s about getting people to follow something greater than themselves.

A true leader has a vision, will share that vision and challenge people to buy into it.  To have a vision that people buy into means asking God and trusting His leadership.

[Tweet “”A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” — Martin Luther King Jr.”]

Your leadership is a gift from God.  Don’t misuse it to gain power, instead look at it as a way of empowering, equipping and inspiring others to create change and find justice.

[reminder]  What qualities of leadership are you most drawn to? [/reminder]



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