What Is Family Ministry?

A question I get often is, “What programming do you provide for parents to help them catechize their kids?”  I get odd looks when I respond, “I don’t do too much.”

It’s not that I don’t do anything.  We provide parents with materials from our program and connect them with their kid’s small group leaders.  But, in reality it’s a burden I share.  To have a healthy family you need to start by:


And that starts with:


Your ministry is not designed to survive on it’s own.  Your ministry needs to work with the rest of the ones that exist.  If it doesn’t it will be a competing system.

To start working together as a staff adopt the attitude, “How can I serve you?” instead of thinking, “How does this impact me?”  When the team is working together it will be contagious and flow to your ministry groups.


If you want families growing together it means giving them something to discuss.  What your pastor preaches at the pulpit needs to be repeated in the student and kids programs.

That means communicating in advance what is going to be discussed and shared.  Set time aside on a regular basis to discuss what will be communicated in each of your areas of ministry.


Kids, teens and adults all have the opportunity to engage in small groups at our parish.  What that means it everyone has the ability to build relationships that will encourage, challenge and help them grow.

Kids, teens and adults also have the opportunity to serve inside the church as a minister and outside the church as a missionary.  We even provide opportunities for families to serve together.


The church is made up of many parts but those parts need to work together on a common vision.  If your parish doesn’t have a vision create one by asking the question, “Why do we exist?” (More on vision casting HERE)

If your parish has a vision know it, embrace it and share it.  Make it stick with everyone who is a part of your ministry and remind them of it constantly.

It’s not easy but worth it.  Instead of creating another program look at changing the culture.  Look at how you communicate and interact as an entire parish.  A healthy parish is the key to a healthy family.

[reminder]  What are your thoughts when it comes to family ministry? Do you think it’s a program or something more? Share. [/reminder]


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