What Does Success In Your Ministry Look Like?

What does deep-rooted, feel-good success for your ministry look like to you? For many of us, the answer is simply survival. We don’t think about success because we’re barely getting by with what we have. Our programs feel like they are in critical condition, so success seems like just making it to the next day.

What does success look like is a critical question and one that I believe can take you from maintenance mode to something that brings you joy?  Knowing what success in your ministry is vital because it not only fulfills a purpose but helps you overcome some of the issues that are weighing you down at this time. As we close out another calendar year and head into a little break, it’s critical to define success so you can hit the new year with some momentum. To get started, you need to:


God called you into ministry, which means He has a plan for your ministry. One of the reasons we get stuck is because we lose sight of what matters most. Your prayer life impacts the direction your ministry needs to take. Start one by carving 10 minutes each day to pray. It could be as simple as reading scripture or journaling. Granted His plan for your ministry might not reveal itself over one session, but in time you’ll find peace with your decisions and where He wants to take you. If you need help with your prayer life, sign up for our 30 days devotional (Started December 2nd), where we’ll send you quotes, pieces of scripture, and short prayers to get you reflecting on the path God is taking you. To sign up click HERE


If you don’t know what a healthy and dynamic ministry looks like, it can be challenging to create one yourself. The first time I saw a thriving youth ministry is when I attended the Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Conference and stuck around for the weekend. I knew what they were doing wasn’t exactly a perfect model to imitate, but it sparked ideas. If you know someone who is doing a great job in building a ministry, see if you can learn from them.

If that’s not possible, then look at businesses around you that are creating success. Talk with their business owners and managers about their vision and strategies. Ask them what they do to build customer loyalty and fandom. Also, you need to be reading books about success (Have you read Rebuilding Youth Ministry?) in and outside of ministry. The more you observe and study, the more common threads you’ll pick up on.


I have one of my office walls painted with whiteboard paint. The purpose is to remind me that the canvas only limits my dreams in front of me. Every day or so, I go up to it and start writing out ideas, plans, and initiatives. Some of them stick, and some of them don’t. I invite coworkers and volunteers to dream alongside me and ask the question, “What if?”

When you have meetings, encourage your team to contribute and share what they think and get them excited. Write out those ideas, test them, and see if they stick. Again, you might not know what success is, until you start writing down different possibilities. Don’t be afraid of an idea not working; it just means you’ve narrowed it down the various options towards success.


As you dream, start laying out some steps with dates involved. One of the reasons our ideas don’t turn into something tangible is because they are afraid to test them. Placing goals and deadlines make them real and help us move forward to determine if our ideas work. If they don’t, then it’s crucial to make readjustments.

You can create a tangible timeline by simply plugging dates and reminders into your calendar or write them down in a planner. If you are looking for some practical tools, check out our MYM Realignment Kit in the MYM Store. Don’t let your ideas for success stay in your head, set them free, and see them breathe.

As you head into a new year, take the time to think about that question. Define success, share it with those around you, and double down on the investment. Not only will you learn along the way, but you’ll discover a deep joy because you are living out God’s purpose for your calling if you are looking for someone to guide you to define and grow success, set up a free consultation with an MYM Coach below.

How do you define success in your ministry?

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