What do we want our people to know

So we’ve had our staff retreat, I’ve read probably 8 books in the last three weeks and I’m now at the point where I need to process and produce. With John Devine the intern for our program now having a full week under his belt I definitley feel at more ease than I did a year ago. At that time I was engaged, had no intern and took on the new position of both high school and middle school ministry. While I thought that this last year was painful there was definitley a lot of growth. One of those major growths is how confident I am in the majority of my ministry leaders. They want more, they can handle more and with that I’m able to do more for this program. And the thing I need to do more is communicate clearly, cast vision and create leadership.
Anyway, this is what I would like to accomplish by next year at this time:
1. I would love for my leaders to know:
-The values and mission of Church of the Nativity and it’s Youth Program.
-To know and live out the qualities of leadership (Faith in Christ, servant’s
heart, clear vision, courage, wisdom, and integrity)
– To know 7 practices of effective ministry described by Andy Stanley (Clarify
the Win, Think Steps, Not Programs, Narrow the Focus, Teach Less for More,
Listen to Outsiders, Replace Yourself and Work On it)
2. I would love for the youth to:
-Devlop habits like Hanging out with God, forming Accountable relationships,
putting effort into Bible Study, Involving themselves in the church, Tithing
and using the Sacraments heal and strengthen. (Adapted from Doug Fields HABITS)
– Walk away understanding Authentic Faith, practicng Spiritual Disciplines,
knowing Moral Boundaries, having Healthy Friendships, making Wise Choices,
submitting to Ultimate Authority and putting Others First. (from 7 Checkpoints
Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall)

I guess this might seem like a lot and I know not everyone will have this down next year, but to have most everyone aware of these aspects would be great, it would be awesome to see just one of these things happen. I’m very excited for this upcoming year, I can’t wait to meet with more leaders, I can’t wait to meet with my youth and I can’t wait to create irresistible environments.

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