Despite the crazy weather this past Thursday our turnout for Uprising on Thursday was overwhelmingly good. With no after school activities interfering most of our students were free to visit us. And this was great considering that week 4 of Don’t Be A Hater (our series on anger) was a Reconciliation Service. Throughout the series we’ve been talking about anger (righteous and unrighteous) and we wanted the students to know that the best way to handle and release our anger is to give it over to God through forgiveness.
To do this we started the night with reflective music, then a prayer service followed by a mini message and an examine of conscience. This all lead up to an hour of reflection where the students could hang a petition on a cross we had set-up and even choose to see a priest of confession. The night was interesting because we had the students attention during the prayer service and worship but when it got to reflection many of them didn’t know what to do.
Now I don’t think the issue was “I don’t want to tell a priest my secrets” what I think it comes down to is a lack of clarity on a number of things.
There are other things that popped up but these are the big three. I know a reconciliation service is something we need to attempt a few more times. What I’ve learned is that we need to do a better job talking about the consequences of sin and be more clear on how that should be released.