MYM Blog

Week 4: Accountability Adds Faith

Written by Christopher Wesley | Oct 1, 2007 12:18:00 AM

Tonight we talked about one of the most important characteristics of an accountable relationship and that would be faith. Most of the relationships we have you can count on a person giving you insight and hope that will lead you in the right direction, prevent you from making a wreck of your life, but can you count on your friends saving your life when it needs saving?
John 3:16 says: For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
I wonder how many of us have friends, people we know in our lives who do not know this verse. I wonder how many people in this world realize that eternal life, getting into heaven all starts with having faith in Christ? And for those of us that know, how many of us are willing to share that with our friends? If you want a true accountable friendship then you need to be able to count on people watching out for your every move, watching out for your decisions and it’s not just about saying don’t do that, or please think about this. It’s about iron sharpening iron, it’s about giving each other the tools and know how of folliowing the right path. As Christians we believe that the path to eternal happiness and joy is through Christ. And if this is something you truly believe then why aren’t you telling someone?