Week 1 Accountable Relationships

Week 1 – ifriends/faithbook (Accountable Relationships)
Ecclesiastes 4:12 – Where a loneman may be overcome two will resist. A three-ply chord is not easily broken.

Tonight we asked the question to the youth, “Who are your friends?” Our goal for this series is to talk to them about accountable relationships. You might ask why we focus on accountability in relationships. The reason for this is to help them consciously think about who their friends are and whether or not they can count on them. It says in Proverbs that some friends will lead us to ruin while others are as close as a brother.
The biblical example we used was the relationship between Moses and Aaron. At the moment God unites Moses and Aaron they become close companions. Aaron speaks for Moses and Moses watches over him. They rely on each other to help them with their weaknesses.
Our memory verse for this series is Ecclesiastes 4:12 – Where a lonemanmay be overcome two will resist. A three-ply chord is not easily broken. We want these teens to focus on building deep, caring, loving and long lasting relationships. So we want them to examine are their friendships based on objects, similarities and fun? Or, are their relationships built on something better like truth, insight, hope and faith?

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