This weekend is going to be interesting. All of my ministry leader point people are going to be away or absent. I was telling my wife that they all gave me plenty of heads up so I knew that they were going to be away, the only problem is unlike paid employees I can’t tell them, “No you can’t have vacation because so and so is on vacation.” Not that I feel that way at all, we are prepared, it just takes a little extra work.
Often times I forget that my ministry leaders are volunteering their time to be on the student ministry team. It’s actually quite humbling to think about, that they give so much of their time, energy and resources to help you in your job. In fact if you take your ministers for granted, then they aren’t going to feel needed, and then they disappear. So I want to take the time to list 3 facts I need to remind myself about so I can continue to appreciate the work volunteer ministers put into our student ministry:
Again we can’t take our volunteer ministry staff for granted. In a way they are going above and beyond to drive home God’s vision for your ministry. Not that it’s all about them, but they do contribute largely to many of the activities, events and relationships happening in your ministry.
What are other facts we need to recognize about our ministers in order to show them our appreciation?