Too Hot For Almost Anything

I was supposed to run in the 7 Mile Inner Harbor Run this morning but Kate and I decided about two weeks ago that we would skip it due to the stress moving into a house causes and not being able to properly train. It appears that it was a good idea regarding the heat according to the weather channel today’s been in the upper 90’s and it’s supposed to feel like the 100’s…crazy.
Kristin our Creative Director of Live Presentation was asked if the summer is busier than the usual school year. She brought this up at lunch today and it was pretty unanimous that the summer is busier. There is no weekly machine driving you along, nothing consistent to rely on, you almost have to challenge yourself to move forward and be productive.
This summer I have an intern, Billy Armstrong, who is motivated and excited about being here. Having him on board is definitley something to keep the summer moving, because the ultimate goal is to invest in him so that he can invest in us. “Show him the ropes” of youth ministry at this parish in hopes that one day he can lead ministry somewhere if not here.

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