To Run or Not to Run?

Right now I’m at a crossroads, to run or not to run.  With today being a day off my wife and I are hosting a bbq so there is preparation that needs to be done.  But we got a lot done these few days and it’s with close friends so not everything has to be “perfect”.  It’s going to be 98 degrees today, but it’s only 70 right now.  I have poison ivy on my arm from gardening but I need to take the attention away from the itch.  So do I run or not run?
There are so many times I find myself at the crossroads with a decision for ministry.  There have been times where I ask, “Is this the year I start a college ministry?” or “Is this the year we start planning camps for all the students transitioning from elementary to middle school and middle to high school?”  Unfortunately, these questions aren’t as simple as “Do I run or not run?”  When we make decisions (whether good or bad) in ministry we often face:

  • Criticism.  There are going to be people who hate or love our decision.
  • Burning Out.  If we do not have the resources and bite off more than we chewed then we can find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.
  • Regret.  It can jade our experience or be fuel for second guessing ourselves in the future.

When we make a decision whether good or bad, it’s best to take ownership and ask for God’s guidance.  Because if it’s a good decision then He’s going to give you the resources and strength to get through the process.  If it’s a bad decision He’s going to give you the strength and guidance to get back on the path.  So do you run or not run?

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