
I feel like I have a thousand things that need to get done but in reality that would be exaggerating…can anyone really have a thousand things that need to be done at least in one day? If so I would be interested in knowing who you are and what those things are. But in reality I think we get busy because we don’t organize and prioritize…I’m definitely not organized, but I know that one thing that works for me is taking a timeout in the middle of my day to give over the worries and frustrations of my day to God. It helps me make sure that God is at the top of my list and number one in my heart… so here goes my midday break:

God you can take my worries and frustrations because I want to give this day to you. All I ask is that you give me the strength to get done, what you need me to get done, because all I want to be about is fulfilling your will. God you are great and awesome. Amen.

Okay now I feel a lot better.

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