MYM Blog

The Student Ministry Engine

Written by Christopher Wesley | Sep 30, 2009 9:13:00 PM

God has blessed me with margin. I’ve been horrible about keeping this blog because I’ve been overwhelmed, I actually thought this week would go to the dogs because all I did Monday was answer phone calls and emails for things I shouldn’t really be answering phone calls and emails for. So I’m going to take my extra margin and work on our student ministry engine.

In order for a car to run it needs gas; however, if the engine isn’t running correctly, it doesn’t matter how much fuel you put in the tank the car will not run efficiently and it will eventually break down.
The fuel for our ministry is vision, the way that everything is supposed to work is our mission, our strategy is the engine. Right now our engine needs to be put into place, we have the parts (the ministers), they just haven’t been linked up correctly. I can cast as much vision as I want; however, if it isn’t going into a properly functioning team then you might as well forget about.
When we have the time we need to work on the engine, make sure ministers aren’t burnt out, make sure that one team knows what the other team is doing, it’s the job of the Youth Pastor to keep things flowing.
If you feel like each week is chaos, as if things aren’t going according to plan, then ask yourself, “How’s my engine running?”