The Power Of Patience

Early on when I started observing and studying successful churches I found myself growing frustrated.  The problem was a lack of patience.  I would see these churches thriving with their large numbers, enthusiastic worship and public recognition and I wasn’t there yet.  For some reason I was ignoring the fact that ministry is a journey and to see results takes time.  

As I have grown older, I’ve learned that instant results are possible; however, not always likely.  If you want a youth ministry that is going to last and endure for the long haul, you need to know that it take persistence, hard work and most importantly PATIENCE.  Most people know that; however, the frustration and disappointment is still there.  To fight through this demon and to build up patience you need to:

Focus On The Vision: People who lack vision grow frustrated ministry because they have no idea what to aim for.  By having a goal, you have a better understanding of the time and work it takes to achieve it.  As you craft and clarify your vision you it will help you develop your strategy.  Make your vision a priority and see how you move towards it.

Adjust The Strategy: It sometimes takes years before the strategy starts helping you achieve the vision.  What you need is persistence and patience.  Make small adjustments, allow failure and growth to take place.  Do not grow angry when things on paper don’t pan out.  Make the tweaks, turn the fly wheel, trust the strategy and wait for the breakthrough…it will come.

Measure The Milestones: You’ll start to see signs of success as you get closer to your goals.  It’s like heading out on a long road trip and celebrating when you see the “Next Exit” sign.  Don’t ignore or overlook small wins because they are signs that you are moving in the right direction.  Embrace and celebrate them.

Trust In God: God will work in obvious and subtle ways.  If you can trust that God is working and doing the impossible, it will build your patience.  Spend time sharing your thoughts with Him by journaling.  Find a time when you can be raw and vulnerable.  Slow your life down so that you can list to His call.

Again, your ministry’s success will not happen over night, it takes years of time, money and energy.  To see your goals reached requires patience.  It requires a leader who understands that people take time to grow.  Ministry requires leaders who are patient with the process, and the people they serve.  In the end patience pays off because it is a sign of faith in God.

Where do you struggle the most with patience?

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