MYM Blog

Next Generation Church: How Children and Youth Ministry are Connected

Written by Christopher Wesley | May 10, 2023 1:38:09 PM

I always knew that in order to have a healthy youth ministry you need to have a healthy children's ministry. But, I never fully understood what that should look like until both ministries became my responsibility. Over the past few years, I've had the opportunity to shepherd both children and youth ministry, along with sacramental prep. While the work is way too much for one person, it's clear how all these areas of formation and catechesis are connected.

Unfortunately, I've met too many church leaders (both clergy and lay) who isolate the two and see them as completely different ministries. While you cannot do for elementary-age kids, the same as you do for teenagers, they are connected and both are an opportunity for the other.

Instead of isolating the two, consider: 


When we talk to parishes and ministry leaders, we often hear about tight budgets, limited space, and a shortage of volunteers. Unfortunately, this scarcity can sometimes lead to competition over resources and people. Instead of coming together to share or collaborate, people can get upset.

But youth and children's ministry should figure out how to work together despite limited resources. Rather than getting upset when a volunteer leaves for another ministry, celebrate it. If you have volunteers with leadership abilities that could benefit another ministry, share them.

If there's an expensive piece of equipment, such as a projector and screen, that would benefit both ministries, consider splitting the cost. Be creative with training opportunities and invite the other ministry to participate.

The more you work together and invite each other into your ministries, the more you'll feel like a team. Collaboration is essential when it comes to reaching the next generation.


Collaboration between children and youth ministry creates continuity and strengthens the faith of young disciples. To ensure a basic understanding of Catholicism, both ministries must communicate about the discipleship path for the next generation.

Every member of catechetical team (both childrens and youth), should gather to discuss the habits and characteristics they want to see in disciples. Focus on which habits to start with and build on them over time. View catechesis as a lifetime journey, not just a school year. Make sure you include your pastor on your findings.

Once the habits are identified, discuss the format for learning and experiencing them. Build programming and teaching around instilling habits that help young people live their faith and cultivate a desire to learn more.

Alignment between children and youth ministry not only creates healthy continuity but also makes catechesis attractive. People begin to see that learning about Christ isn't just a class, but a way of life.


Children and youth ministry each have a unique value that is critical to the Church. Blending them together or completely separating them diminishes that value. It's important for parishes to offer both and for people to see the value of what each ministry offers.

Children's ministry provides a catechetical foundation for youth ministry to build on, while youth ministry provides the opportunity for young leaders to develop skills and make an impact. Children's ministry is an excellent place to establish relationships with parents and families, creating long-term buy-in to the parish. Youth ministry can relieve the burden that children's ministry feels when it comes to catechesis.

When both ministries work together, others will take notice. Parents and other parishioners will see a future for the Church. People will get excited when they see energy emerging from next-generation ministry and want to invest in it.

Healthy youth ministry relies on healthy children's ministry, and the two are connected in ways that we cannot ignore. As ministry leaders, we must prioritize collaboration over competition, develop a discipleship path that leads to alignment, and highlight the value that each ministry brings to the other.

By doing so, we create a unified approach to formation and catechesis, strengthening the faith of young disciples and ensuring a bright future for the Church. Let us work together to reach the next generation and cultivate a desire for lifelong learning and growth in Christ.

How have you seen collaboration between children's and youth ministries benefit the faith formation of young disciples?