Back in 2002 I needed to take a flight from Denver to Newark to get home in time for New Years Eve. Unfortunately, due to a nasty blizzard I had to fly into Philadelphia and spend the night at the airport because roads were closed and the railways had stopped running when my flight finally arrived. I would spend the next 7 hours patiently waiting for things to open up again. I’m proud to say I didn’t complain, I just sat there letting time play out. I’m know I haven’t always been that patient, especially when it comes to ministry.
For example here are three areas I’ve struggled to be patient:
With the ability to access and gain so much with the touch of a phone, it should be no surprise that the gift of patience is vanishing. Often times when we don’t get the results we desire we blame people or objects. While they both can carry the fault doesn’t always belong to people or objects, because it might be a lack of patience.
Especially if you are expecting big results, they don’t happen over night. So take the time to find patience, God’s patience because when you relinquish control and allow God’s plan to fully play out you’ll know it was worth the wait.
Where do you find it hardest to gain patience? Why?