My heart pounds faster, my throat closes up, what feels like an allergic reaction is really anxiety building over the tasks and projects that seem like they’ll never get done. It fascinates me that with all the plans, systems and structures that I have in place there are still times when I wonder, “Is this possible?” I can attribute some of the doubt to the reluctance to perform certain tasks (i.e. paperwork), or areas I have a difficult time facing (i.e. event planning); but, it all stems from the absence of one key value.
If I am ever going to succeed in this profession I need to make sure that I strive to:
Granted people can break our trust, we can get burned for trusting too much, but if we don’t ultimately trust a lot of things cannot happen.
In order to trust we need to communicate with others, slow down our pace, pray and reflect on our actions. Without trust there is no team work, community and definitely no Church. So where and whom do you need to trust today?
What area of your ministry challenges the trust you have in others, family, leadership and/or God?