The Day Before The Day Before.

It’s the day before, the day before Thanksgiving and it’s that time where I feel like I have to get everything done, because there will be two less days of work, which sounds ridiculous. It’s ridiculous considering the fact that there isn’t program this weekend; however, when there are less days in a week, when I’m about to go on vacation, trip, etc. I feel rushed to get a million things done. And I usually do get a million things done, because I have this sense of urgency, but why?
Where is that sense of urgency on other days? Why isn’t saving lives and spreading God’s words important the day after a holiday, the day we get back from vacation? Why don’t I just treat today like any other work day? It’s because something isn’t in order, it’s because there is this panic of the unknown of all the “horrible” things that could happen while I’m away. Which again, sounds ridiculous, because the office is closed on Thursday and again there aren’t programs this weekend. If I stick to the plan, keep at my pace, when program comes around again (December 3rd and 6th), then everything should be just fine.

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