
The 2 Most Important Things You Should Give Every Volunteer

Building a team of volunteers takes work, but keeping them around is a whole different challenge.  Why they leave could depend on a variety of reasons, but why they stay is due to two:


As a leader you have to give your team both of these things.  And the great part is that giving them to your volunteers isn’t rocket science.  In fact it’s quite simple.  To show your team purpose and gratitude:


When your team knows what they need to do and how to do it they’ll serve with confidence.  When you have a confident team you have a group of people striving for excellence.  Bring clarity to their role by:

  • Developing Job Descriptions: If possible make them one sentence, so that they can repeat it and memorize it.
  • Putting Together A Reporting Structure: It’s not just about what they do but who they go to when they have questions.
  • Listing Out Goals: Look at what they are doing and what they are trying to accomplish. Make it clear by helping them set goals.

Taking the time to develop clear roles shows your team that you care about their experience.  Not only will they know their purpose, but feel your gratitude.


Your team needs encouragement.  You know that because you feel the wear and tear that ministry brings.  Give them praise by:

  • Taking them out for a bite to eat.
  • Sending them a thank you card.
  • Bragging about them via social media.

You might feel like you can’t praise all of them at the same time and that’s okay.  Do for one what you wish you could do for all of them.  Create a culture where people show their gratitude.


Your team sacrifices so much to make sure you succeed.  They are not just volunteers but men and women who have their own lives.  How well do you know them personally?

The answer to that question will impact the way you help them get through difficult seasons in life.  It will give you insight on why serving alongside of you is so important.  Know the person to grow the leader.

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Ministry will not only get difficult for you but your team as well.  If you do not share the vision then they will burnout and leave.  Giving them a vision gives them a purpose.  It helps them see why their role matters.


Everyone wants to be a part of a winning team.  Your ministry will only succeed if you have a team around you, it cannot grow on your own efforts.

Help your team see what winning looks like by celebrating it.  Throw a party at the end of the year and point out all the ways you’ve grown.  Have them share on a Facebook page or group email how they saw life change.  Celebrate the amazing work God is doing through them.

When your team feels the gratitude and knows their purpose they’ll understand that they are a part of something bigger.  When you have big picture ministers you have a big picture ministry that is open to God’s blessings.

[reminder]  How do you show your team gratitude and purpose? [/reminder]


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