Taking Care of Business #SYMC

Courtesy ofby cogdogblog/
Creative Commons License 

Felt good to go for a run this morning.  Feels good to take some time to soak in everything that I’ve experienced these last few days.  The Simply Youth Ministry Conference is like a retreat for me, a chance to grow as a youth minister, husband, father and disciple of Christ.  In last night’s session Derwin Gray talked to us about taking care of ourselves as disciples and how our most important ministry is being a child of God.  So often we don’t think about that concept until someone says it to us or we hit the bottom.
I’m happy to say I didn’t enter into this weekend torn up inside, ready to quit and full of frustration.  I’m tired, because it’s been a long year; however, I’m at peace with where I am.  But all the same I know there are a few things to take care of when I get home.  I need to:

  • Solidify An Accountability Group – I have a few people giving that to me; however, I need to synchronize them.  Make them aware of one another so that they can work together if one on one isn’t working.
  • Look At My Pacing – Before I left I took a look at my schedule, but now that I’ve take a big step out of it, I know I can revisit it with a fresh new pair of eyes.
  • Revisit My Personal And Family Vision – Just have a conversation with my wife about where it is God is calling us, what is he showing us and where we can rely on Him more.

As youth workers we need to think about our health, we need to think about our relationships, we need to think about the disciple God is molding us into being.  We can’t help others if we are not healthy ourselves.  That doesn’t mean perfection, it just means having an awareness of:

  1. How We Are Being Attacked
  2. The Limits We Need To Embrace
  3. The Responsibilities God Has Called Us To First

When we can focus on those, and lean on Him, we can run this marathon of ministry.  So if you are at the conference or starting your work week, take the time to look at where you are currently in your path and than ask God where to take the next step.

What’s your next step with God this week?

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