Student Worship Band Starters

Last night I sat in on our student worship band’s practice.  It was awesome to see how it’s grown in size, talent and maturity.  The purpose of our student worship band is twofold.  The first, is to provide worship music for our student programs.  The second, is to create an outlet where musically talented teens can use their gifts to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.  Chris, our student worship band leader has put in a lot of hard work growing these disciples.

A key element (Although not mandatory) to any youth ministry is their student band.  They can serve many purposes from leading worship at your programs, to being an evangelization tool that draws unchurched teens into a Christian community.  No matter what your reason for having a band it’s not always the easiest thing to mobilize.  If you want to build a student worship band for your youth ministry you need to:

  • Budget It: While you do not have to buy the instruments, there is some equipment you might want to invest in.  Microphones, speakers and a sound board are a few of the basics to take your band to a higher level.  By investing in a band financially you make it a priority and can bring it to an entirely new level.
  • Invest In An Adult: Find an adult who has the ability to lead a band, teach music, loves teens and God.  Treat the adult that leads your students like a key leader or even staff member.  If possible pay or stipend them because it will build accountability.  To find these individuals find recommendations from the adults in your church band or ask a fellow youth worker in the area if they know of anyone.
  • Know Your Audience: Know the styles of music your teens connect with so that what you are playing can hit them at an emotional level.  Christian music expands across many genres, explore their many different sounds and pick what best connects with your teens.
  • Create Standards: You want quality musicians who take their God given gifts seriously.  This means holding tryouts and expecting regular practices.  While worship music isn’t all about performance, if they are trying to lead other students into a deeper relationship with Christ you do not want their lack of experience as a deterrent.  
  • Cast Vision: Student worship bands are an opportunity to help your teens grow and go deeper in their relationship with Christ.  While everyone in the group is unified by their musical talent, you want to make sure they see the impact this gift can have on their lives and the lives of others.  When the band meets make sure an adult is pouring spiritually as well as professionally.

While you don’t have to have a student worship band, it is something that will help your ministry grow.  Invest in it, make it a priority and find people who will help it grow.  Utilize the power of music to help connect this next generation into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Do you have a student worship band? What’s the largest obstacle you face in building one?

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