Advent Conspiracy

Some Monday Morning Thoughts

Closed out Advent Conspiracy a day after it dropped 18 inches of snow in Baltimore…50 students made it for the three programs (Ascent 5th/6th, Resurrection 7th/8th and Uprising High School). Granted Uprising was on Thursday before the snow, but in a time where we were telling students to worship fully, spend less, give more and love all, the events around them (school, the snow, shopping, etc.) just proved to be a little too overwhelming. But that’s okay. I think I mentioned this a few weeks back not everyone is going to get this conspiracy the first time you do it, in fact it probably will take 3 years before things click.
The first year we did Christmas Eve at the fairgrounds was great but it wasn’t until the 3rd year that things really took off. It wasn’t until my third year of ministry that I really began to understand what I was undertaking. I think three years is a good measure when it comes adjusting and understanding your surroundings.
But, back to this series. I want to say it was well done considering what we face when we do a series during Advent. There’s just so much to go up against, because the busyness of the culture has taken over. But, that’s all begun to change with this year…if you walk into our great hall (lobby area), you begin to see the fruit that this conspiracy is bearing inside this church…it makes me excited for this year. I haven’t completely thought through this series, these are just some Monday morning thoughts. It’ll be good to see where we are in a week or two.

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