So You Think You Can Dance

So I’m watching So You Think You Can Dance (Don’t judge me) and they are in the final 4. One of the dancers danced to a Shawn McDonald song…I think Gravity…and it’s the second time I’m noticed a Christian Artist be used in this show. I think it was two weeks ago (yes I do watch often…I could blame my wife…but I’ve actually enjoyed it) one of the girls danced to a MercyMe song…I think Imagine…and once again it was good. I don’t know if it’s just the hype of the show, but I think dance is getting more popular and the fact that they are bold to use Christian music is refreshing.
I had a friend try out for American Idol a couple of years ago and he made it into the second round (did not show him on television) and they didn’t let him pass because he refused to sing more secular songs. I’m not exactly sure what songs he sang, I’m not sure how well he did (he is a great singer) but the fact that a decision on his talent was made by what he sings was a little disturbing. I understand they are looking for the American Idol and there is a standard, but what if this country thirst for something a little more spiritual. We have politicians trying to use their faith, athletes attribute their talents to God and there are some musicians that bring God into secular music (Bono, Springsteen). I feel like faith…no I know faith is something we all desire it (whether or not we acknowledge that), it is difficult for me to see us as a people try and suppress our faith…I just pray that God continues to break through into our hearts.

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