Small Steps To Help You Get Your Year Started Right For Everyone

As I was heading to my car, I encountered one of my teens and her mom coming to the parish office to pick up some forms. We chatted about her summer and how she was getting ready for the school year ahead. I asked her if she was going to join us for our ministry this fall. She looked at her mom, who nodded her head, and she said, “Yes, I’ll be there!”

It was a small interaction, but it was massive in cutting some of the tension I feel during this time of year. After 15 years of youth ministry, I still wonder:

  • Is anyone going to come?
  • Do we have everything we need?
  • What am I missing?

It can be stressful, but not just for you. Your teens are probably wondering if anyone they know will return. Parents will worry about whether their teen will like it, and your volunteers might not want to mess up. There is a lot of panics that could go on and what you need to do as a leader is to make sure everyone gets started right. And you can accomplish that by:


When you get lost in the busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of people in transition. For your rising 6th and 9th graders, many of them are entering new schools and new seasons of life. Write them a letter, shoot them an email or video letting them know that you are not only excited to meet them but praying for them for their first year of middle or high school.

Also, you can let them know about big things that are coming up in the year ahead, what they can expect and what you hope for them. Your reaching out will let them know that you care about what’s going on in their personal life, and it’ll be a reflection of the intimate relationship Jesus wants to have with them.


There is a lot that goes into the kickoff, and that’s because we want it to be memorable. While it’s essential to go all out, don’t forget to follow up with teens and their parents after the program takes place, especially if they are new to your church or ministry.

In your follow up recap what you covered and what is coming up next. Thank the teen or parent for checking out the program and encourage them to keep coming back. Just like you, they’ve probably poured a lot of energy coming to that first week, and a little encouragement from you can help them keep going.


You want your teens experiencing joy as they walk into and out of your ministry. You need to make sure your team is feeling good and that you are not the only one excited. Hold a pep rally, party, or celebration where you can share the vision and your excitement.

If you don’t have the time to create an event, consider writing them postcards or letters, letting them know how grateful you are for their service. If you have it in your budget, get them little tokens or treats. It’s not only special for your teens, but special for your adults as the year gets going.


It doesn’t matter what happens that first program. If you fail or succeed, there is always another day, another week and another year, and that’s because youth ministry is a marathon. It’s a journey where you can make adjustments, try different things, and move forward. While there are a lot of reasons as to why youth ministry succeed, one of the key components is your consistent God-loving presence.

As you get started with curriculum and volunteer recruitment, don’t forget the small things that make your ministry unique. Those details that you invest in give your ministry a unique identity that reaches your unique community and lets them know God cares.

What are the small things that are a big deal to getting your ministry started?

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