It’s kind of freaky, but I witnessed a car accident this morning, nothing serious because both drivers were able to get out of their cars and trade insurance papers and so on. But the sounds of a car accident is a little unnerving. This pickup truck was trying to make a left turn but this one car didn’t slow down or the truck tried to make the turn too quickly but anyway the truck was clipped from behind. Either way it seemed both drivers were in a rush.
It’s funny that all of this happened because I had the feeling leaving work yesterday feeling rushed to get a million things done before the fall. I shouldn’t feel rushed because I’m an advocate about keeping pace, whether it’s running or work. However, my pace has seemed kind of off lately. Right now we are making a few adjustments in how we do the weekend, how we do student ministry and how I manage the ministers in student ministry. We’ve been upgrading the parent’s website, the student website and some of the programs. What these adjustments have done is thrown off my pace, don’t get me wrong these adjustments are necessary; however, I’m probably trying to move at the same pace I was before. Instead I should be taking the time to ease into all the new things happening around me, eliminating some of the unnecessary habits, giving myself more sleep, eating right and spending more time listening to God. I think I’m going to take a day next week just to sit down, look at my schedule, my priorities and see if I can create a pace that works best for me, plus it’s been some time since I’ve spent a day with God, I need to get back into that.