Running in Groups

I know I shouldn’t be writing on such a beautiful day, especially for the 4th of July, but I’m at work for a little bit and thought it would be good to reflect on my morning run. Went for a 12 mile run with two friends on the NCR, we’re all training for the Bmore Marathon, and it was more enjoyable than painful. Not only was the weather perfect, but 12 miles didn’t seem like 12 miles. We ran at a pace where we could talk; yet, we pushed ourselves to make every mile quality. We were basically fulfilling our commitment to do our long runs together, which is paying off big time. I’m more confident in the training process because I have others to hold me accountable and help me grow as a runner, in the past when I would train solo, I was always fighting or proving something, this time around it’s all about enjoying the experience. I want to qualify for Boston, but if I don’t I’ll try again, I don’t have anything to prove, so running with others has been the real win.
As a church we are constantly pushing small groups and fellowship, because what those relationships bring us are simply priceless. When we slow down we have people to push us on, when life seems to whiz out of control they are there to calm us down. When we meet with people in Christ’ name we give ourselves the power to heal, reflect, realign our lives and spiritually grow.

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