As a parent of small children I’m constantly reminded that my wife and I can’t do this on our own. That’s why we are constantly looking for assistance from people, books, blogs and websites. While there is a lot available not all of it is useful.
Youth ministries are competing against so much to prove to parents that it’s an important part of a teen’s life. You as the youth minister need to show why.
To show parents how you can be more than just a resource you need to start:
An important resource is affirmation. No parent is perfect and they don’t need to be reminded of that. Instead they need someone reminding them of what they are doing well.
Parents will often hear from teachers or us when their teens is messing up. Try to change that by reaching out to tell them something positive they did. It will boost a parent’s confidence and their trust in you.
Parents are interested in what their teens know and do. However, they don’t always know how to get the ball rolling on the conversation. Be a resource that cultivates that conversation by:
- Being transparent with resources.
- Providing parents with questions to ask.
- Challenging teens to bring up the conversation.
- Have leaders follow up via email or a phone call.
When the conversation continues at home teens will continue to grow. Give parents the tools they need.
You need to make sure parents are growing as well. Be a liaison between parents and the church by introducing them to opportunities where they can grow.
If there is nothing available for them talk to your pastor about starting small groups. Get them involved in ministry. Don’t just throw a resource at them, help them find the right one.
This is difficult considering that you cannot be everywhere at all times. Being available means creating a ministry where your volunteers extend your capacity.
Introduce parents to the other adults in your ministry. Host an open house, introduce them in an email and make sure parents know that your ministry is more than you.
Parents want what’s best for their teens. They want to know that you are going to be a resource and not an obstacle. Build your ministry where you aren’t just winning over teens but parents as well.
[reminder] How are you coming alongside of parents? [/reminder]