
The Rebuilt Podcast

One way I have grown as a leader and youth ministry is by surrounding myself with as much experiential wisdom as possible.  Some of the wisdom comes from reading books by veteran youth workers and incredible leaders.  Attending conferences on youth ministry, church ministry and leadership have been essential too.  However, one of the most helpful resources to my growth as a leader and youth minister have been through podcasts.

Whether it’s Catalyst or This Is Your Life by Michael Hyatt, podcasts have challenged and encouraged me to grow.  If you have not already checked it out Tom Corcoran and I have recently launched the Rebuilt Podcast which is a continuation of the new book Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost and Making Church Matter by Michael White and Tom Corcoran.  While the book is the story of a Catholic Parish, the Rebuilt Podcast is a:

  • Deeper Journey Into The Story Of Rebuilt: There is a lot more than what the pages of Rebuilt carry.  This podcast allows Tom and I to go deeper into how to make church matter and what we’ve learned over the years.  We explain why the weekend experience is essential to unifying the church and how we continue to grow disciples.  It’s more of our story.
  • Reminder That You Are Not Alone: I know I’ve benefited from podcasts like the Download Youth Ministry Show (Formerly the YM Garage) because it reminded me that there are other youth ministers in the trenches facing the same battles that I face.  This podcast is a reminder that there are many people who love their church and that the journey of ministry is not to be traveled alone.  You’ll hear our mistakes, failures, successes and joys.
  • Place For You To Be Heard: This podcast is not meant to be just Tom and I talking, it’s also a place to ask your questions.  You can ask, “What do you think about THIS or how did you do THAT?” It gives you a safe place to share your story and receive an outside perspective as your answer.  To share your questions you can contact me here or reach out to our rebuilt team at

Church ministry (Especially youth ministry) is not meant to be done alone.  You are part of a larger church that is striving to spread God’s love.  I invite you to join Tom Corcoran and I as we share our story.  We’re just trying to pass on all the great learnings and wisdom that we’ve inherited over the years.  Take the time to subscribe, visit the Rebuilt Parish website and let us walk with you.

What is the biggest thing you would like to change in your church right now?




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