Rebuilt Book Contest Winners

Just over two weeks ago my pastor Father Michael J. White and his associate Thomas W. Corcoran released their first book Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, Making Church Matter (Ave Maria Press).  The book is the story of two guys working in a local Catholic parish (Church of the Nativity), frustrated with the “Business As Usual” approach that was slowly killing their church.

Rebuilt explains how Father White and Tom pursued the challenge to revive and rebuild their local church.  This is a challenge that they want to share with you.  While this is written in the context of a local Roman Catholic Parish in a Baltimore suburb, this book is for anyone who wants to make church matter once again.  Rebuilt is filled with the practical lessons and steps taken to make Church of the Nativity a thriving and relevant church.

As someone who has worked with Tom and Father White the last 8 plus years I’ve been blessed to be a part of the journey.  I’m so excited for this book because I know it will help those of you who love your church make it matter once again.  Plus, another element that makes this book great is it’s website (Go here) filled with tips and insights from the entire Church of the Nativity staff.

Two weeks ago Marathon Youth Ministry gave you the opportunity to win a free copy of this book, and I thank everyone who left a comment and shared why they love the local church.  Unfortunately, not everyone could get a free copy (This is a small time operation); however, three of you did.  Here are your contest winners:


Thank you again to everyone who participated and if you have not yet gotten your copy of Rebuilt, you can go here.  If you would like to learn more about the authors and book feel free to check out their site at

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